Preliminary Conclusions
You seem to be using Mozilla
It reports a lot of information (103 characters, see "user-agent" in request header), is this really necessary?
Characters not immediately recognised: /5.0 applewebkit/537.36 (khtml, like gecko claudebot/1.0 [email protected])
It seems secure, at least from a few very basic checks
Your operating system is 'unknown' and it seems secure
Note: this is just a rough evaluation.
Overall your security seems good
You may want to visit our Request header information
This information is disclosed at minimum to all the sites you visit (*)
Session and network information
This information is extrapolated from the data above or queried from the underlying network protocols (*)
Location information
Based on your internet IP address, one can quickly identify where your are located physically on earth
This information is supposed to be exchanged only between you and the website you visit, it is stored between visits on your computer
Enabling javascript (if it is disabled) will improve the reliability of the test results.
Note however that enabling Javascript globally is a security risk, especially when using Internet Explorer.
Unfortunately it is usually enabled by default and is often needed to be able to access poorly designed websites.
Java Applets in a page, using various tag formats.
(*) Note: combinations of anonymous proxies, browser obfuscation, etc may fool these parts of the detection